Linguistische Arbeiten

Band 285:
Féry, Caroline: German intonational Patterns. VII/188 S. - Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993.
ISBN: 3-484-30285-2

Dieser Band ist im IDS verfügbar:

[Buch] IDS-Bibliothek: Sig. MC 525
Alternatives Medium:
E-Book (PDF). Berlin / New York: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-167760-6

The book examines numerous examples with a view to establishing an auto-segmental model of the intonation patterns of standard German. Utterances are segmented into intonational phrases and their focus structure taken as the basis for an allocation to melodies constituted from a set of tones (five in number) categorized as morphemes. The intonation patterns thus obtained are subsequently examined with regard to their semantic functions.


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Acknowledgement S. VII
Introduction S. 1
1.   Focus and the formation of Focus Domains S. 13
2.   The tone-sequence analysis of intonation and the tonal correlates of phrasing S. 49
3.   Nuclear tones S. 81
4.   Prenuclear tones S. 113
5.   Range, downstep, declination S. 155
Summary S. 171
References S. 173
Appendix S. 181


  • Ladd, D. Robert (1994): Rezension von: Caroline Féry, German Intonational Patterns. In: Linguistische Berichte 154. Forschung, Information, Diskussion. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. S. 489-492.
  • Groß, Michael (1995): Rezension von: Caroline Féry: German Intonational Patterns. (Linguistische Arbeiten 285). In: Info DaF 22.2/3. München: iudicium. S. 197-199.