Online publizierte Arbeiten zur Linguistik

Nummer 1/2010:
Schneider, Roman: Planning for new media. The Bibliography of German Grammar goes online. (Erstpublikation / first published 2000 in ORBIS, http://www.ids-mannheim.de/grammis/orbis/). 14 S. - Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 2010.
ISSN: 1860-9422

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The article deals with the transformation of the Bibliography of German Grammar ("Bibliografie zur deutschen Grammatik") from a data pool primarly used for print publishing to a relational database application offering a basis for media-independent distribution. Starting with a short description of the beginnings of the bibliography, the focus of this article lies on the explanation of our current database design as well as on the presentation of the web-based user interface.


1.   Introduction S. 1
2.   The Starting Point S. 1
3.   The Migration Work S. 3
4.   The Online Presentation S. 11
5.   References S. 14