Korpuslinguistik und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Sprache (CLIP)
- Band 3:
- Bennett, Paul / Durrell, Martin / Scheible, Silke / Whitt, Richard J. (Hrsg.): New Methods in Historical Corpora.
282 S. - Tübingen: Narr, 2013.
ISBN: 978-3-8233-6760-4, Preis: 88,00 €
Dieser Band ist im IDS verfügbar:
- Alternatives Medium:
- E-Book (PDF). Tübingen: Narr. ISBN: 978-3-8233-7760-3, Preis: 88,00 €
Investigating the history of a language depends on fragmentary sources, but electronic corpora offer the possibility of alleviating the problem of ‘bad data’. However they cannot overcome it totally, and crucial questions thus arise of the optimal architecture for such a corpus, the problem of how representative even a large corpus can be of actual language use at a particular time, and how a historical corpus can best be annotated and provided with tools to maximize its usefulness as a resource for future researchers.
Immense strides have been made in recent years in addressing these questions, with exciting new methods and technological advances. The papers in this volume, which were presented at a conference on New Methods in Historical Corpora (Manchester 2011), exemplify the range of these developments in investigating the diachrony of languages as distinct as English, German, Latin, Spanish, French and Slovene and developing appropriate tools for the analysis of historical corpora in these languages.
Preface | S. 7 | ||
I. Historical linguistic corpora: Some fundamental issues | |||
Denison, David: | |||
Grammatical mark-up: Some more demarcation disputes |
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S. 17 | |
Nevalainen: Terttu: | |||
English historical corpora in transition: from new tools to legacy corpora? |
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S. 37 | |
Wegera, Klaus-Peter: | |||
Language data exploitation: design and analysis of historical language corpora |
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S. 55 | |
II. Historical linguistic corpora: Analysis, projects, and results | |||
Auer, Anita / Fairman, Tony: | |||
Letters of artisans and the labouring poor (England, C. 1750-1835) |
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S. 77 | |
Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania / Kermes, Hannah / Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina / Teich, Elke: | |||
SciTex: a diachronic corpus for analyzing the development of scientific registers |
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S. 93 | |
Enrique-Arias, Andrés: | |||
On the usefulness of using parallel texts in diachronic investigations Insights from a parallel corpus of Spanish medieval Bible translations |
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S. 105 | |
Erjavec, Tomaž / Jelovšek, Alenka: | |||
A corpus-based diachronic analysis of Slovene clitics |
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S. 117 | |
Gilles, Peter / Ziegler, Evelyn: | |||
The Historical Luxembourgish Bilingual Database of Public Notices |
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S. 127 | |
Juska-Bacher, Britta / Mahlow, Cerstin: | |||
Phraseological change – a book with seven seals? Tracing the diachronic development of German proverbs and idioms by a combination of corpus and dictionary analyses |
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S. 139 | |
Kopaczyk, Joanna: | |||
Formulaicity in Scots historical corpora and the lexical bundles method |
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S. 151 | |
Röthlisberger, Melanie / Schneider, Gerold: | |||
Of-genitive versus s-genitive A corpus-based analysis of possessive constructions in 20th-century English |
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S. 163 | |
Ruano-García, Javier / García-Bermejo Giner, María F. / Sánchez-García, Pilar: | |||
Past tense BE forms in Late Modern Lancashire English A preliminary corpus-based approach |
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S. 181 | |
Timofeeva, Olga: | |||
Anglo-Latin and Old English A Case for integrated bilingual corpus studies of Anglo-Saxon registers |
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S. 195 | |
III. Historical linguistic corpora: Architecture, annotation, and tools | |||
Henning, Mathilde: | |||
The Kassel Corpus of Clause Linking |
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S. 207 | |
Jurish, Bryan / Drotschmann, Marko / Ast, Henriette: | |||
Constructing a canonicalized corpus of historical German by text alignment |
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S. 221 | |
Linde, Sonja / Mittmann, Roland: | |||
Old German reference corpus: Digitizing the knowledge of the 19th century Automated pre-annotation using digitized historical glossaries |
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S. 235 | |
McGillivray, Barbara / Kilgrarriff, Adam: | |||
Tools for historical corpus research, and a corpus of Latin |
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S. 247 | |
Mehler, Alexander / Schwandt, Silke / Gleim, Rüdiger / Ernst, Alexandra: | |||
Inducing linguistic networks from historical corpora Towards a new method in historical semantics |
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S. 257 | |
Stein, Achim / Prévost, Sophie: | |||
Syntactic annotation of medieval texts The Snytactic Reference Corpus of Medieval French (SRCMF) |
S. 275 |