
Band 48:
Maradan, Mélanie: Uncertainty in deliberate lexical interventions. Exploring Esperanto speakers’ opinions through corpora. 372 S. - Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2020.
ISBN: 978-3-7329-0690-1

Language managers in their different forms (language planners, terminologists, professional neologists …) have long tried to intervene in the lexical usage of speakers, with various degrees of success: Some of their lexical items (partly) penetrate language use, others do not. Based on electronic networks of practice of the Esperanto speech community, Mélanie Maradan establishes the foundation for a new method to extract speakers’ opinions on lexical items from text corpora. The method is intended as a tool for language managers to detect and explore in context the reasons why speakers might accept or reject lexical items.


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Acknowledgements S. 7
Terms and definitions S. 15
List of figures S. 17
List of tables S. 20
Introduction S. 23
1.   Context, objectives and structure of the investigation S. 23
Part 1: Theoretical Background
2.   Deliberate lexical interventions and their effectiveness S. 43
3.   Intervening on speakers’ lexicon under conditions of uncertainty S. 73
Part 2: Esperanto for scientific research
4.   Using the Esperanto speech community to study lexical phenomena S. 121
5.   Electronic networks discussing Esperanto lexical items S. 149
Part 3: Empirical investigation and proposal
6.   Speakers’ lexical environments: insights from focus-groups S. 179
7.   Methods: A proof of concept for detecting opinionated autonyms S. 210
8.   Results: Lexical criteria in context S. 256
9.   Using naturally occurring data to absorb uncertainty in deliberate lexical intervention S. 290
10.   Conclusion and future research S. 307
References S. 311
Endnotes S. 359
Appendices S. 367