
Band 16:
Brumme, Jenny / Falbe, Sandra (Hrsg.): The Spoken Language in a Multimodal Context. Description, Teaching, Translation. 318 S. - Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2014.
ISBN: 978-3-7329-0021-3

Dieser Band ist im IDS verfügbar:

[Buch] IDS-Bibliothek: Sig. MG 5927

Recently, research in the Humanities is showing an increasing interest in exactly how language and other semiotic resources support each other. The eighteen articles of this book focus on the interplay between spoken language and other modalities and address a spectrum of cross-modal resources and their functions. They also discuss how multimodal resources are exploited to increase communicative effectiveness and broaden accessibility to knowledge. This is illustrated with examples from discourse types including dramatic, literary and audiovisual texts, Facebook communication and chats, comics and audio-guides. The volume will be of interest to scholars of linguistics, translation studies, museology and education, and for readers interested in the wide array of possibilities that multimodal texts open up for meaning-making.


Brumme, Jenny / Falbe, Sandra:
  Introduction S. 7
Shorthand used for corpus citation in this volume S. 13
Campetella, Paolo:
  Multimodal communication in new archaeological museums S. 17
Bračun Sova, Rajka:
  Audience-focused interpretation of art in museums S. 31
Sacchi Lodispoto, Teresa:
  Audio-guides: relation texte/images et compréhensibilité S. 43
Damiani, Valeria:
  Words in education. Assessing Italian university students' lexical competence in writing S. 63
Mila Spicola, Carmela:
  The spoken language in a multimodal context as a strategy to counter the school dropout problem S. 75
Chariatte, Nadine:
  “Facebook Style”: The use of non-standard features in virtual speech conditioned by the medium Facebook S. 93
Holgado Lage, Anais / Recio Diego, Álvaro:
  The influence of oral discourse in chat language from a normative perspective: Deviations from standard Spanish S. 115
Falbe, Sandra:
  Speech style in fictional dialogue S. 135
Plötner, Kathleen:
  A propos des valeurs pragmato-sémantiques des récurrences instantanées dans l’oralité simulée: Le cas de « yo yo » et « no no » S. 153
Hennemann, Anja:
  The journalistic conditional in Spanish S. 167
Mai, Udo:
  Les dimensions de la structure informationnelle à l’exemple d’une analyse du frame setting en italien S. 183
Arias Badia, Blanca:
  Fictional orality in the English and Spanish subtitles of Fontane Effi Briest, by R. W. Fassbinder S. 197
Mouka, Effie:
  Investigating translational norms in socioculturally marked cinematographic discourse S. 213
Sala Robert, Èlia:
  Subtitling for deaf and hard of hearing children: An analysis of current television practices S. 229
Stojilkov, Andrea:
  A picture's worth a thousand words
On the translatability of visual puns and allusions across cultures
S. 249
Voellmer, Elena:
  When languages become the ‘text’ of a movie: Translating metalinguistic references in a multilingual film S. 267
Fragonara, Aurora:
  Le rôle de la parole dans l’adaptation en BD du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry par Joann Sfar S. 283
Tomás-Albina, Alba:
  From literary translations to stage: The case of Sophocles' Electra, adapted by Jeroni Rubió and directed by Oriol Broggi (2010) S. 295