Linguistik International

Band 6:
Küper, Christoph (Hrsg.): Meter, Rhythm and Performance – Metrum, Rhythmus, Performanz. Proceedings of the International Conference on Meter, Rhythm and Performance, held in May 1999 at Vechta. 476 S. - Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien: Lang, 2002.
ISBN: 3-631-35697-8

This volume includes most papers read at the International Conference on «Meter, Rhythm and Performance» held at the University of Vechta, Germany, in May 1999. This metrics conference set out to break new ground in two respects. It was the first to explicitly address aspects of the performance of poetry in addition to questions of meter and rhythm. It was also the first of its kind to invite (and actually attract) a truly international panel of scholars from competing metrical traditions such as Generative Metrics, the Russian School of Metrics, Cognitive Metrics, and several others. Thus, the articles present an unusually broad picture of current research in the field of metrics, including a section on free verse. The languages and literatures addressed include Irish, Welsh, Breton, Latin, English (British and American), Dutch, German, Russian, Slovene, Serbo-Croatian, and Sanskrit. Most of the articles are written in English, eight are in German.


Küper, Christoph:
  Introduction S. 11
I. Meter, Rhythm and Performance – Plenary Lectures
Tsur, Reuven:
  A Perception-Oriented Theory of Meter and the Rhythmical Performance of Poetry S. 19
Tarlinskaja, Marina:
  Verse Text: Its Meter and Its Oral Rendition S. 39
II. Meter
Wagenknecht, Christian:
  Zum Begriff der Tonbeugung S. 59
Bockelmann, Eske:
  Der Rhythmus nach betont und unbetont: Antwort auf eine kopernikanische Frage S. 75
Redford, Michael:
  English, Dutch and German Meter: The Role of Linguistic Givens S. 89
Kooij, Jan G.:
  When Is a Peak a Peak? Metrical Structure in Modern Poetry S. 105
Schneider, Johann Nikolaus:
  Klopstock at Vechta: An Obstinate Conference Participant S. 115
III. Rhythm
Larsson, Jörgen:
  Cognitive Rhythm – A Part of Performance S. 131
Lösener, Hans:
  Rhythmus und Sinn – Anmerkungen zu einem Problem der Metrik S. 141
Nordman, Marianne:
  Investigating Prose Rhythm: A Model for Systematic Analysis S. 159
Zollna, Isabel:
  Formelbildung und Improvisation: Rhythmisierung zwischen Wiederholung und Expressivität
Spanische, französische, englische und deutsche Verkaufsrufe als oral poetry
S. 173
IV. Performance
Mannerheim, Augustin:
  Rhythmic Patterns: Critical Points in Poetic Performance S. 191
Sumner, Alaric:
  Dominating Performance, Regulating Text
. The Academic's Fear of the Moment: Verse Isn't Free but Neither is It In Chains
S. 205
Groves, Peter L.:
  «Knocking a Verse on the Head»: Towards a Performance Grammar of English Verse S. 215
Hesse, Beatrix:
  Speaking Shakespeare's Verse on Stage S. 229
V. Free Verse
Bjorklund, Beth:
  On the Integrity of the Line in Free Verse S. 241
Lilja, Eva:
  Meter, Rhythm and Free Verse S. 253
Kearful, Frank J.:
  What to Do with Free Verse? Three Twentieth-Century American Poems S. 263
VI. Metrical, Rhythmical, and Performance-Oriented Analyses of Verse-Systems
Tristram, Hildegard L. C.:
  European Versification: The Effect of Literacy S. 281
Isaac, Graham R.:
  Meter and Performance in Early Welsh Poetry S. 307
Blänsdorf, Jürgen:
  Witz – Würde – Wucht: Wirkungsqualitäten antiker, spätantiker und mittelalterlicher lateinischer Versarten S. 323
Cooper, John R.:
  Iambic Pentameter in the Lyrics of Surrey and Sidney S. 343
Martin, Isabel:
  The Rich Repertoire of Metrics in Contemporary British Poetry: Peter Reading S. 355
Friedberg, Nila:
  'Foreign Flavor' in Brodsky's Verse S. 373
Chisholm, David:
  Metrical Structures as Stylistic Features in German Literary Prose S. 385
Klenin, Emily:
  Meter, Rhythm, and the Stanza: A Russian Poet, Two German Models S. 399
Kasartsev, Evgenij V.:
  Die Anwendung linguistischer Statistik bei der Analyse des deutschen Verses S. 413
Krasnoperova, Marina:
  Evolution of the Rhythmics of Russian Verse and a Semiotic Model: On the Material of Russian Iambic Tetrameter S. 425
Bjelcevic, Aleksander:
  The Caesura in Slovene and Serbo-Croatian Verse S. 439
Tschannerl, Volker M.:
  Metrum, Ritual und Melodie im alten Indien S. 453
Moser-Achuthath, Heike:
  Versrezitation im Sanskrit-Theater Kutiyattam (Kerala/Südindien) S. 457
Notes on Contributors S. 469