Interface Explorations

Band 34:
Lohnstein, Horst / Tsiknakis, Antonios (Hrsg.): Verb Second. Grammar Internal and Grammar External Interfaces. VIII/451 S. - Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter, 2020.
ISBN: 978-1-5015-1658-0

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[Buch] IDS-Bibliothek: Sig. QA 4681
Alternative Medien:
E-Book (PDF). Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-1-5015-0814-1
E-Book (EPUB). Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-1-5015-0804-2

This book addresses a general phenomenon in the European languages: verb second. The articles provide a comprehensive survey of synchronic vs. diachronic developments in the Germanic and Romance languages. New theoretical insights into the interaction of the properties of verbal mood and syntactic structure building lead to hypotheses about the mutual influence of these systems. The diachronic change in the syntax together with changes in the inflectional system show the interdependence between the syntactic and the inflectional component.
The fact that the subjunctive can license verb second in dependent clauses reveals further dependencies between these subsystems of grammar. “Fronting finiteness” furthermore constitutes an instance of a main clause phenomenon. Whether “assertion” or “at-issueness” are encoded through this grammatical process will be a matter in the debates discussed in the book. Moreover, information structure appears to be directly related to the fronting of other constituents in front of the finite verb. Questions concerning the interrelations between these various subcomponents of the grammatical system are investigated.


Preface S. V
Lohnstein, Horst / Tsiknakis, Antonios:
  Form and function of verb second – an overview S. 1
Bauke, Leah S.:
  A grammar competition analysis of V2 phenomena in second language acquisition S. 47
Bayer, Josef / Freitag, Constantin:
  How much verb moves to second position? S. 77
FreywaId, Ulrike:
  Notes on the left periphery of V2 complement clauses in German: Complementiser drop and complementer doubling S. 123
Hinterhölzl, Roland:
  Assertive potential, speaker evidence and embedded V2 S. 147
Jacobs, Joachim:
  What kind of main clause phenomenon isV2 in German? S. 169
Lohnstein, Horst / Staratschek, Nathalie:
  The left periphery as interface – On verb second and finiteness interaction S. 207
Petrova, Svetlana:
  Variation and change in the licensing of dependent V2 in German S. 251
Poletto, Cecilia:
  On the licensing of null subjects in Old Venetian S. 277
Sabel, Joachim:
  Verb third as Cluster movement in German S. 295
Taigel, Sonja:
  On the role of the left periphery in the interpretation of causal Wo-VE-clauses S. 329
Truckenbrodt, Hubert / Sode, Frank:
  Parentheticals, root phenomena, and V2 in German S. 371
Tsiknakis, Antonios:
  Verb movement and topicalization in German S. 413
Addresses S. 445
Index S. 447