Interface Explorations

Band 20:
Kiss, Katalin É. (Hrsg.): Adverbs and Adverbial Adjuncts at the Interfaces. X/377 S. - Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 2009.
ISBN: 978-3-11-021403-1
Alternatives Medium:
E-Book (PDF). Berlin / New York: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-021480-2

This book clarifies – on the basis of mainly Hungarian data – basic issues concerning the category 'adverb', the function 'adverbial', and the grammar of adverbial modification. It argues for the PP analysis of adverbials, and claims that they enter the derivation via left- and right-adjunction. Their merge-in position is determined by the interplay of syntactic, semantic, and prosodic factors. The semantically motivated constraints discussed also include a type restriction affecting adverbials semantically incorporated into the verbal predicate, an obligatory focus position for scalar adverbs representing negative values of bidirectional scales, cooccurrence restrictions between verbs and adverbials involving incompatible subevents, etc. The order and interpretation of adverbials in the postverbal domain is shown to be affected by such phonologically motivated constraints as the Law of Growing Constituents, and by intonation phrase restructuring. The shape of the light-headed chain arising in the course of locative PP incorporation is determined by morpho-phonological requirements. The types of adverbs and adverbials analyzed include locatives, temporals, comitatives, epistemic adverbs, adverbs of degree, manner, counting, and frequency, quantificational adverbs, and adverbial participles.


Acknowledgements S. V
Kiss, Katalin É.:
  Introduction S. 1
Merge-in position and interpretation
Kiss, Katalin É.:
  Syntactic, semantic, and prosodic factors determining the position of adverbial adjuncts S. 21
Surányi, Balázs:
  Locative particle and adverbial incorporation at the interfaces S. 39
Bartos, Huba:
  The syntax of Hungarian -vA adverbial participles: A single affix with variable merge-in locations S. 75
Egedi, Barbara:
  Adverbial (dis)ambiguities
Syntactic and prosodic features of ambiguious predicational adverbs
S. 103
Ürögdi, Barbara:
  Temporal adverbial clauses with or without operator movement S. 133
Questions of category and grammatical function
Kádár, Edit:
  Adverbial versus adjectival constructions with BE and the category Adv S. 171
Peredy, Márta:
  Obligatory adjuncts licensing Definiteness Effect constructions S. 197
Dékány, Éva:
  Comitative adjuncts: appositives and non-appositives S. 231
Adverbials and event structure
Kiefer, Ferenc:
  Types of temporal adverbials and the fine structure of events S. 247
Eszes, Boldizsár:
  Aspect and adverb interpretation – the case of quickly S. 269
Interaction with focus
Kiss, Katalin É.:
  Scalar adverbs in and out of focus S. 297
Bende-Farkas, Ágnes:
  Adverbs of quantification, it-clefts and Hungarian focus S. 317
References S. 349
Index S. 375