Interface Explorations

Band 15:
D'Alessandro, Roberta / Fischer, Susann / Hrafnbjargarson, Gunnar Hrafn (Hrsg.): Agreement Restrictions. 325 S. - Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 2008.
ISBN: 978-3-11-020065-2
Alternatives Medium:
E-Book (PDF). Berlin / New York: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-020783-5

This book brings together scholars who have been working on agreement restrictions within the generative framework. The articles range from syntactic to morphological approaches, investigating different domains of agreement restrictions, such as the Person Case Constraint, nominative objects, and Quirky Case Restrictions in a series of European and Non-European languages, providing new data and novel analyses for both, new and well-known facts. This book collects different and relevant studies in this field and gives a general overview of the different theoretical approaches concerned with the morphological, syntactic and semantic properties of agreement restriction phenomena.


D'Alessandro, Roberta / Fischer, Susann / Hrafnbjargarson, Gunnar, H.:
  On agreement restrictions S. 1
Anagnostopoulou, Elena:
  Notes on the Person Case Contraint in Germanic (with special reference to German) S. 15
Arregi, Karlos / Nevins, Andrew:
  Agreement and clitic restrictions in Basque S. 49
Boeckx, Cedric:
  The Person-Case Constraint and patterns of exclusivity S. 87
Bonet, Eulàlia:
  The Person-Case Constraint and repair strategies S. 103
López, Luis:
  The [person] restriction: why? and, most specially, why not? S. 129
Ouali, Hamid:
  On C-to-T φ-feature transfer: The nature of Agreement and Anti-Agreement in Berber S. 159
Richards, Marc D.:
  Quirky Expletives S. 181
Rivero, María Luisa:
  Oblique subjects and person restrictions in Spanish: A morphological approach S. 215
Sigurðsson, Halldór Ármann / Holmberg, Anders:
  Icelandic Dative Intervention: Person and Number are separate probes S. 251
Wiltschko, Martina:
  Person-hierarchy effects without a person-hierarchy S. 281
Contributors S. 315
Index of subjects S. 317
Index of languages S. 321
Index of authors S. 322