Interface Explorations

Band 7:
Junghanns, Uwe / Szucsich, Luka (Hrsg.): Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information. XXXI/394 S. - Berlin / New York: de Gruyter, 2003.
ISBN: 978-3-11-017824-1
Alternatives Medium:
E-Book (PDF). Berlin / New York: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-090475-8

The book contains ten papers discussing issues of the relation between syntax and morphology from the perspective of morphologically rich languages including, among others, Indo-European languages, indigenous languages of the Americas, Turkish, and Hungarian. The overall question discussed in this book is to what extent morphological information shows up in syntactic structures and how this information is represented. The authors adopt different theoretical frameworks such as the Derivational Theory of Morphology, Distributed Optimality, Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical-Functional Grammar, Lexical Decomposition Grammar combined with Linking Theory and OT-like constraints, Paradigm-Based Morphosyntax as well as the Principles and Parameters Approach of Generative Grammar.


Szucsich, Luka / Junghans, Uwe:
  Introduction S. VII
Avgustinova, Tania:
  Metagrammar of systematic relations: a study with special reference to Slavic morphosyntax S. 1
Bartos, Huba:
  On-line morphology: The morphosyntax of Hungarian verbal inflection S. 25
Butt, Miriam / Sadler, Louisa:
  Verbal morphology and agreement in Urdu S. 57
Ferraresi, Gisella / Goldbach, Maria:
  Particles and sentence structure: a historical perspective S. 101
Kornfilt, Jaklin:
  Subject Case in Turkish nominalized clauses S. 129
Rinke, Esther:
  On the licensing of null subjects in Old French S. 217
Spencer, Andrew:
  Periphrastic paradigms in Bulgarian S. 249
Stiebels, Barbara:
  Transparent, restricted oand opaque affix orders S. 283
Trommer, Jochen:
  Direction marking as agreement S. 317
Zimmermann, Ilse:
  On the semantics of cases S. 341
Index S. 381