Publikationsreihe der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL) e.V.

Band 56:
Göpferich, Susanne / Neumann, Imke (Hrsg.): Developing and Assessing Academic and Professional Writing Skills. 205 S. - Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien: Lang, 2016.
ISBN: 978-3-631-67362-1

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[Buch] IDS-Bibliothek: Sig. QF 1550
Alternative Medien:
E-Book (PDF). Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien: Lang. ISBN: 978-3-653-06614-2
E-Book (EPUB). Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Wien: Lang. ISBN: 978-3-653-96048-8

Academic literacy used to be considered a complex set of skills that develop automatically as a by-product of academic socialization. Since the Bologna Reform with its shorter degree programmes, however, it has been realized that these skills need to be fostered actively. Simultaneously, writing skills development at all levels of education has been faced with the challenge of increasingly multilingual and multicultural groups of pupils and students. This book addresses the questions of how both academic and professional writing skills can be fostered under these conditions and how the development of writing skills can be measured.


Developing and assessing academic and professional writing skills – An introduction S. 7
Part I: Vocabulary and terminology in academic writing
Sing, Christine S.:
  Writing for specific purposes: Developing business students' ability to ‘technicalize’ S. 15
Malmström, Hans / Pecorari, Diane / Gustafsson, Magnus:
  Coverage and development of academic vocabulary in assessment texts in English Medium Instruction S. 45
Part II: Complex writing competence constructs
Konstantinidou, Liana / Hoefele, Joachim / Kruse, Otto:
  Assessing writing in vocational education and training schools: Results from an intervention study S. 73
Göpferich, Susanne / Neumann, Imke:
  Writing competence profiles as an assessment grid? – Students' L1 and L2 writing competences and their development after one semester of instruction S. 103
Part III: Subjective conceptions of writing and how to foster it
Ballweg, Sandra:
  Portfolios as a means of developing and assessing writing skills S. 143
Dengscherz, Sabine / Steindl, Melanie:
  “Prepare an outline first and then just write spontaneousl”” – An analysis of students' writing strategies and their attitudes towards professional writing S. 173
Notes on contributors S. 203