Diskursmuster - Discourse Patterns

Band 32:
Busse, Beatrix / Dumrukcic, Nina / Kleiber, Ingo (Hrsg.): Language and Linguistics in a Complex World. V/190 S. - Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter, 2023.
ISBN: 978-3-11-101727-3
Alternatives Medium:
E-Book (PDF). Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-101743-3    → Open Access

This book is a collection of the ICAME41 conference proceedings covering a range of topics in corpus linguistics. Busse et al. Explore contemporary trends and new directions in the field. Papers focusing on historical linguistics include Bohmann et al’s study on the passive alternation in 19th and 20th century American English whilst Iyeiri and Fukunaga investigate negation in 19th century American missionary documents. Bohmann’s emphasis is on the Contrastive usage profiling method to represent online discourse data. Empirical studies on discourse analysis include Brooks‘ analysis of how the UK press portrays obesity, Coats generating ASR transcripts to look at dialect data from YouTube, and Gonzalez-Cruz’s pragmatic considerations of Anglicisms entering Canarian-Spanish digital headlines. Schneider use statistical models to look at language comprehension in an eye-tracking corpus.


Busse, Beatrix / Dumrukcic, Nina / Kleiber, Ingo:
  Introduction S. 1
Bohmann, Axel:
  Contrastive Usage Profiling: A Word Vector Perspective on World Englishes S. 11
Bohmann, Axel / Müller, Julia / Honkanen, Mirka / Neuhausen, Miriam:
  A Large-scale Diachronic Analysis of the English Passive Alternation S. 31
Brookes, Gavin:
  ‘The Fat Gap’: Discourses around Social Class in UK Press Coverage of Obesity S. 57
Coats, Steven:
  Dialect Corpora from YouTube S. 79
González-Cruz, María Isabel:
  A Pragmatic Approach to a Corpus of Anglicisms Used in Canarian-Spanish Digital Headlines S. 103
Iyeiri, Yoko / Fukunaga, Mariko:
  A Corpus-based Analysis of Negation in Selected 19th-century American Missionary Documents in Honolulu S. 133
Schneider, Gerold:
  Do Non-native Speakers Read Differently? Predicting Reading Times with Surprisal and Language Models of Native and Non-native Eye Tracking Data S. 153
Index S. 189