Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft

Band 24:
Dirven, René / Vanparys, Johan (Hrsg.): Current Approaches to the Lexicon. A Selection of Papers Presented at the 18th LAUD Symposium, Duisburg, March 1993. XIX/521 S. - Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Bern / New York / Paris / Wien: Lang, 1995.
ISBN: 3-631-48756-8

Dieser Band ist im IDS verfügbar:

[Buch] IDS-Bibliothek: Sig. QB 1857

Of the many possible inroads to the study of the lexicon, this volume peruses six current approaches: (1) It discusses the theoretical, especially cognitive foundations of the structure of the lexicon. (2) It inquires into the mental representation of the lexicon and into its psycholinguistic reality. (3) It offers a number of descriptive analyses of lexical fields and problems. (4) It brings up various issues raised by a competational approach to the lexicon. (5) It confronts lexicological approaches with lexicographical ones and discusses didactic issues involved with the latter. (6) It presents pedagogical approaches to the lexicon, especially those based on the use of the computer or other aids for the acquisition of the foreign language lexicon.


List of Contributors S. V
Vanparys, Johan:
  Introduction: Coming to grips with the lexicon S. XI
Part I: Structure and mental representation of the lexicon
Taylor, John R.:
  Models of word meaning in comparison: The two-level model (Manfred Bierwisch) and the network model (Ronald Langacker) S. 3
Zelinsky-Wibbelt, Cornelia:
  Insights from categorisation for a mental model of lexicalization S. 27
Schwarz, Monika:
  Accessing semantic information in the lexicon: The mental lexicon as a semi-module S. 63
Myers-Scotton, Carol:
  Language processing and the mental lexicon in bilinguals S. 73
Part II: Description of the lexicon
Wierzbicka, Anna:
  Lexicon as a key to history, culture and society S. 103
Vanparys, Johan:
  On illocutions and illocutionary verbs. A cognitive perspective S. 157
Ungerer, Friedrich:
  The linguistic and cognitive relevance of basic emotions S. 185
Tabakowska, Elzbieta:
  Polish translation of English technical terms: Metaphor in the language of computer science S. 211
Athanasiadou, Angeliki / Dirven, René:
  Conditional conjunctions and conceptual companions S. 225
Seidel, Beate:
  The reflection of lexical meaning relations in textual meaning concepts – a sample of analysis of an English text S. 251
Part III: Computational approaches to the lexicon
Handke, Jürgen:
  Mental and machine-readable lexicons (What can machines learn from the mind?) S. 273
Mehl, Stephan:
  Automatic acquisition of lexical-semantic relations from machine-readable dictionaries S. 301
Lenke, Nils / Dreckmann, Stefan / Heinze, Rolf:
  GOLD: An object-oriented lexical tool for German S. 319
Seelbach, Dieter:
  Syntagmatic context information for computer assisted translation and foreign language learning S. 337
Part IV: Lexicography and the lexicon
Lipka, Leonhard:
  Lexicology and lexicography: Poor relations, competition, or co-operation? S. 381
Hartmann, Reinhard R. K.:
  Pedagogical lexicography: Some desiderata S. 405
Lange, Winfried:
  The special lexicon and problems of EST/ESP – Course design or the box of Pandora S. 413
Liebert, Wolf-Andreas:
  The lexicon of metaphor-models as a mental tools for analogical problem-solving in science S. 433
Part V: Pedagogical approaches to the lexicon
Baten, Lut / Vanparys, Johan:
  WIC (Words in Context): An assessment S. 451
Dirven, René / Albrecht, Angela / Waumans, Wim:
  Foreign language learning by computer: Principles, fundamentals and instructions for the setting up of as database S. 463
Leńko, Agnieszka:
  Computer programs for vacabulary training in foreign language learning S. 491
Kaunzner, Ulrike:
  Fast forward: Electronic acceleration and improving comprehension and speaking in foreign language learning S. 503
Subject index S. 519