Veröffentlichungen: Arnold, Denis
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Selbstständige Werke, Monographien
1 Eintrag
- Arnold, Denis (2013):
- Die Erhebung perzeptueller Prominenz auf Silben- und Wortebene: Der Einfluss von Bewertungsskalen, Bewertungsebenen und Normalisierung. Dissertation. Saarbrücken: Universität des Saarlandes, 2013. →Externes Repositorium
1 Eintrag
- Arnold, Denis (2013):
- Die Erhebung perzeptueller Prominenz auf Silben- und Wortebene: Der Einfluss von Bewertungsskalen, Bewertungsebenen und Normalisierung. Dissertation. Saarbrücken: Universität des Saarlandes, 2013. →Externes Repositorium
Wissenschaftliche Beiträge, Arbeitspapiere
29 Einträge → mehr anzeigen
- Arnold, Denis/Lang, Christian (2022):
- Mit welchem Aufwand bekommen wir Skripte FAIR(er)? In: Heuveline, Vincent/Bisheh, Nina (Hrsg.): E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2022. S. 333-338. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Tomaschek, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Sering, Konstantin/Strauss, Friedolin (2021):
- A corpus of Schlieren photography of speech production: potential methodology to study aerodynamics of labial, nasal and vocalic processes. In: Language Resources & Evaluation. Springer Nature, 2021. 14 S. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Tomascheck, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Sering, Konstantin/Tucker, Benjamin V./van Rij, Jacoline/Ramscar, Michael (2021):
- Articulatory Variability is Reduced by Repetition and Predictability. In: Language and Speech Vol. 64, Issue 3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2021. S. 654-680. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
29 Einträge → weniger anzeigen
- Arnold, Denis/Lang, Christian (2022):
- Mit welchem Aufwand bekommen wir Skripte FAIR(er)? In: Heuveline, Vincent/Bisheh, Nina (Hrsg.): E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2022. S. 333-338. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Tomaschek, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Sering, Konstantin/Strauss, Friedolin (2021):
- A corpus of Schlieren photography of speech production: potential methodology to study aerodynamics of labial, nasal and vocalic processes. In: Language Resources & Evaluation. Springer Nature, 2021. 14 S. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Tomascheck, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Sering, Konstantin/Tucker, Benjamin V./van Rij, Jacoline/Ramscar, Michael (2021):
- Articulatory Variability is Reduced by Repetition and Predictability. In: Language and Speech Vol. 64, Issue 3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2021. S. 654-680. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Ruhrmann, Christiane/Brackhane, Fabian/Arnold, Denis (2021):
- Reduction, Assimilation or Variation? Observations on [nja] in German spontaneous speech. In: Holtz, Annie/Kovač, Iva/Rasmus Puggaard-Rode, Rasmus/Wall, Joanna (Hrsg.): ConSOLE XXIX: Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (26-28 January 2021, Leiden University). Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 2021. S. 279-297. →Text →Text
- Fisseni, Bernhard/Arnold, Denis/Lang, Christian (2021):
- Forschungs-Alltags-Infrastruktur. In: Helling, Patrick/Speer, Andreas/Eide, Øyvind (Hrsg.): FORGE 2021 – Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften: MAPPING THE LANDSCAPE – Geisteswissenschaftliches Forschungsdatenmanagement zwischen lokalen und globalen, generischen und spezifischen Lösungen. Konferenzabstracts. Köln: Zenodo, 2021. S. 174-179. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Arnold, Denis/Fisseni, Bernhard/Trippel, Thorsten (2021):
- Signposts for CLARIN. In: Navarretta, Costanza/Eskevich, Maria (Hrsg.): Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. Virtual Event, 2020, 5-7 October. (= Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 180). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021. S. 16-23. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Arnold, Denis/Campbell, Ben/Eckart, Thomas/Fisseni, Bernhard/Trippel, Thorsten/Zinn, Claus (2021):
- CMDI Explorer. In: Navarretta, Costanza/Eskevich, Maria (Hrsg.): Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. Virtual Event, 2020, 5-7 October. (= Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 180). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021. S. 8-15. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Arnold, Denis/Fisseni, Bernhard/Trippel, Thorsten (2020):
- Signposts for CLARIN. In: Navarretta, Costanza/Eskevich, Maria (Hrsg.): Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. 05 – 07 October 2020, Online Edition. Utrecht: CLARIN, 2020. S. 146-150. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Fisseni, Bernhard/Kamocki, Paweł/Schonefeld, Oliver/Kupietz, Marc/Schmidt, Thomas (2020):
- Addressing Cha(lle)nges in Long-Term Archiving of Large Corpora. In: Bański, Piotr/Barbaresi, Adrien/Clematide, Simon/Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald/Pisetta, Ines (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the LREC 2020 Workshop, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 11–16 May 2020, 8th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-8). Paris: European Language Resources Association, 2020. S. 1-9. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Fisseni, Bernhard/Helfer, Felix/Buddenbohm, Stefan/Kiraly, Peter (2020):
- Repository Solutions - Technology Watch Report 1. Geneva: Zenodo, 2020. 13 S. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Campbell, Ben/Eckart, Thomas/Fisseni, Bernhard/Trippel, Thorsten/Zinn, Claus (2020):
- The CMDI Explorer. In: Navarretta, Costanza/Eskevich, Maria (Hrsg.): Proceedings of CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. 05 – 07 October 2020, Online Edition. Utrecht: CLARIN, 2020. S. 157-161. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Fankhauser, Peter/Fisseni, Bernhard/Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald/Schmidt, Thomas/Witt, Andreas (2019):
- Datenübernahmerichtlinien des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache. Version 24.01.2019. Mannheim: Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 2019. 10 S. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Tomaschek, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Bröker, Franziska/Baayen, R. Harald (2018):
- Lexical frequency co-determines the speed-curvature relation in articulation. In: Journal of phonetics, Vol. 68. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2018. S. 103-116. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Heck, Daniel W./Arnold, Nina R./Arnold, Denis (2017):
- TreeBUGS. An R package for hierarchical multinomial-processing-tree modeling. In: Behavior Research Methods. New York, NY: Springer, 2017. S. 1-21. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Arnold, Denis/Tomaschek, Fabian/Sering, Konstantin/Lopez, Florence/Baayen, R. Harald (2017):
- Words from spontaneous conversational speech can be recognized with human-like accuracy by an error-driven learning algorithm that discriminates between meanings straight from smart acoustic features, bypassing the phoneme as recognition unit. In: van Rijn, Hedderik (Hrsg.): PLoS ONE. 2017. S. 1-16. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Verlag
- Wieling, Martijn/Tomaschek, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Tiede, Mark/Bröker, Franziska/Thiele, Samuel/Wood, Simon N./Baayen, R. Harald (2016):
- Investigating dialectal differences using articulography. In: Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 59. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016. S. 122-143. →IDS-Publikationsserver
- Arnold, Denis/Tomaschek, Fabian (2016):
- The Karl Eberhards Corpus of spontaneously spoken southern German in dialogues – audio and articulatory recordings. In: Draxler, Christoph/Kleber, Felicitas (Hrsg.): 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum. 12.-14. Oktober 2016, München. München: Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, Universität München, 2016. S. 9-11. →IDS-Publikationsserver
- Wieling, Martijn/Tomaschek, Fabian/Arnold, Denis/Tiede, Mark/Baayen, R. Harald (2015):
- Investigating dialectal differences using articulography. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow, 2015. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Kügler, Frank/Smolibocki, Bernadett/Arnold, Denis/Baumann, Stefan/Braun, Bettina/Grice, Martine/Jannedy, Stefanie/Michalsky, Jan/Niebuhr, Oliver/Peters, Jörg/Ritter, Simon/Röhr, Christine T./Schweitzer, Antje/Schweitzer, Katrin/Wagner, Petra (2015):
- DIMA – Annotation guidelines for German intonation. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow, 2015. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Tomaschek, Fabian/Wieling, Martijn/Arnold, Denis/Baayen, R. Harald (2013):
- Word frequency, vowel length and vowel quality in speech production: An EMA study of the importance of experience. In: Bimbot, F./Cerisara, C./Fougeron, C./Gravier, G./Lamel, L./Pellegrino, F./Perrier, P. (Hrsg.): 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2013), Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. International Speech Communications Association, 2013. S. 1302-1306. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Wagner, Petra/Baayen, R. Harald (2013):
- Using generalized additive models and random forests to model prosodic prominence in German. In: Bimbot, F./Cerisara, C./Fougeron, C./Gravier, G./Lamel, L./Pellegrino, F./Perrier, P. (Hrsg.): 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2013), Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. International Speech Communications Association, 2013. S. 272-276. →IDS-Publikationsserver
- Sappok, Christopher/Arnold, Denis (2012):
- On the normalization of syllable prominence ratings. In: Ma, Qiuwu/Ding, Hongwei/Hirst, Daniel (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Shanghai, May 22-25, 2012, Volume I. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2012. S. 314-317. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Sappok, Christopher/Arnold, Denis (2012):
- More on the Normalization of Syllable Prominence Ratings. In: INTERSPEECH 2012, 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR, USA, September 9-13, 2012. International Speech Communications Association, 2012. S. 2418-2421. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Wagner, Petra/Möbius, Bernd (2012):
- Obtaining prominence judgments from naïve listeners – Influence of rating scales, linguistic levels and normalisation. In: INTERSPEECH 2012, 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR, USA, September 9-13, 2012. International Speech Communications Association, 2012. S. 2394-2397. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text →
- Arnold, Denis/Wagner, Petra/Möbius, Bernd (2011):
- Evaluating different rating scales for obtaining judgments of syllable prominence from naïve listeners. In: Lee, Wai-Sum/Zee, Eric (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 17-21 August 2011, Hong Kong. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, 2011. S. 252-255. →IDS-Publikationsserver
- Arnold, Denis/Möbius, Bernd/Wagner, Petra (2011):
- Comparing word and syllable prominence rated by naïve listeners. In: Cosi, Piero/De Mori, Renato/Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe/Pieraccini, Roberto (Hrsg.): INTERSPEECH 2011, 12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florence, Italy, August 27-31, 2011. International Speech Communications Association, 2011. S. 1877-1880. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Windmann, Andreas/Wagner, Petra/Tamburini, Fabio/Arnold, Denis/Oertel, Catharine (2010):
- Automatic Prominence Annotation of a German Speech Synthesis Corpus: Towards Prominence-Based Prosody Generation for Unit Selection Synthesis. In: Proceedings of the 7th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis (SSW7) September 22-24, 2010, Kyoto, Japan. 2010. S. 377-382. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text
- Arnold, Denis/Wagner, Petra/Möbius, Bernd (2010):
- The effect of priming on the correlations between prominence ratings and acoustic features. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2010, Workshop on Prosodic Prominence: Perceptual and Automatic Identification, Chicago, Illinois, May 10, 2010. Chicago, Illinois: University of Illinois, 2010. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text →
- Arnold, Denis/Wagner, Petra (2008):
- The influence of top-down expectations on the perception of syllable prominence. In: Botinis, Antonis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (ExLing 2008), Athens, Greece, August 25-27, 2008. International Speech Communication Association, 2008. S. 25-28. →IDS-Publikationsserver →Text